The Bomb (Iowa State) School Yearbooks

A student publication documenting student perspectives, activities, and academics

Contents: About the collection | Related resources | Accessibility| Tech

About the collection

The Iowa Agricultural College/Iowa State University yearbook, Bomb (1893-1994), was published annually for the graduating classes of 1894 through 1994, with the exception of 1902. The digital collection includes the entire run of yearbooks, along with the Centennial Album.

Up until 1925, the Bomb was published by members of the junior class and called by their year of graduation – one year after the printing date. During the 1924-1925 school year, the yearbook staff was opened to students in all classes, and was called by the year it was printed. Consequently, there are two Bomb yearbooks for 1925.

The Bombs and their contents are presented as part of the historical record of Iowa State University. They should be viewed and considered within the context of the relevant time period.

More about the Bomb can be found in the Iowa State University Yearbook Records (RS 22/6/0/6). Physical copies can be viewed in the Special Collections and University Archives Department or in the library’s general collections using call number LD2548 Io9b.

Accessibility information

The Iowa State University Library is committed to providing access to its digital content. Certain material, particularly older materials, handwritten documents, and visual content, present unique challenges in providing fully accessible resources. If you are experiencing barriers to accessing, viewing, or navigating the Digital Collections site please contact us for assistance or to request additional formats.

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

Using the CollectionBuilder-CSV template and the static website generator Jekyll, this project creates an engaging interface to explore driven by metadata.

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