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Iranian students boycott classes to protest
Protest and Survive Confronting the Beast
Photograph of the start of "March of Concern," VEISHEA parade, May 9, 1970
Photograph of a student being dragged along the sidewalk by law enforcement officers
Photograph of Iowa State University faculty members attending a peace protest
Photograph of students listening to a speaker during an anti-war protest
Page 173
Photograph of an anti-war demonstration
Photograph of Campus Crusades in the prairie primer entry, VEISHEA parade
Photograph of students protesting the Vietnam War and the Cambodia Invasion
Photograph of students protesting the Kent State shooting
Photograph of a sit-in on Lincoln Way
Photograph of law enforcement officer tackling a Vietnam War protester
Statement regarding Vietnam War protests from the Iowa State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors
Keynote Address
Page 5
Rally for minority rights is today (Iowa State daily)
Page 18
Page 82
