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AAAP: annual meeting, July 29, 1963
AAAP committee on disease reporting: 1967-1968
AAAP: report of the avian leukosis committee
AAAP history: the first ten years, 1957-1967
G. H. Snoeyenbos letter to AAAP member, September 10, 1963
AAAP: annual report, July 1, 1962–June 30, 1963
AAAP: report of the committee on salmonellosis, July 21, 1968
AAAP: report of the committee on mycoplasmosis, 1968
AAAP: report of the leukosis committee, July 13, 1969
AAAP eleventh annual report year ending, April 30, 1968
AAAP: report of the committee on nomenclature, July 21, 1968
AAAP: report of the membership committee, July 21, 1968
AAAP: report of the committee on salmonellosis, July 13, 1969
AAAP: report of the committee on salmonellosis, July 13, 1965
AAAP: report of the committee on salmonellosis, July 11, 1967
AAAP: report of committee to study postdoctoral training in avian medicine, July 29, 1963
AAAP: report of the committee on reporting of diseases and terminology, July 29, 1963
AAAP board of directors minutes of meetings, July 20, 21, and 23, 1968.
AAAP: report of the committee on pullorum-typhoid eradication, July 21, 1968
Arnold S. Rosenwald letter to the AAAP member, October 10, 1968
