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AAAP report of the salmonellosis committee, July 18, 1972
AAAP report of the mycoplasmosis committee, 1971-1972
AAAP committee on pullorum-typhoid eradication report, July 18, 1971
AAAP: report of the committee on nomenclature, July 21, 1968
AAAP report of the pullorum-typhoid eradication committee, July 18, 1972
AAAP report of the constitution and by-laws committee, July 18, 1972
AAAP: report of committee to study postdoctoral training in avian medicine, July 29, 1963
AAAP annual business meeting: report of the committee on continuing education in avian diseases, July 19, 1971
Report of the special committee on diseases of poultry to the membership of AAAP at the annual meeting, July 11, 1966