Iowa Birdline update, August 12, 1990 Item Info
- Title:
- Iowa Birdline update, August 12, 1990
- Creator (Person):
- Fuller, James L.
- Creator (Organization):
- Iowa Ornithologists' Union
- Date Created:
- 1990-08-12
- Description:
- Notes for the Iowa Birdline update for August 12, 1990. Highlights of the update include the continued presence of two Barn Owls and the beginning of Hawk migration with sightings of a Sharp-shinned Hawk, six Red-tailed Hawks, and 20 Broad-winged Hawks. Also of note was a report from the Iowa City Bird Club field trip to Coralville Lake, where 65 different species were located, including four white immature Little Blue Herons.
- Subject (Topic):
- Bird watching Dial-a-message telephone calls Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus) Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Franklin's Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (Empidonax flaviventris) Forster's Tern (Sterna forsteri) Common Loon (Gavia immer) Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia) Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) Great Egret (Ardea alba) Warblers (Parulidae)
- Contributor (Person):
- Kenne, Matthew C. Porter, Diane C.
- Contributor (Organization):
- Iowa City Bird Club
- Location:
- Big Creek State Park Coralville Lake Dallas County Lake Red Rock Casey Barrow Landing Ambrose A Call State Park
- Latitude:
- 41.81554;41.807;41.68489;41.44055;40.9417;43.05191
- Longitude:
- -93.75883; -91.5814; -94.03974; -93.19521; -90.96903; -94.25441
- Language:
- eng
- Source:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union records
- Call Number:
- MS 166
- Box:
- 41
- Folder Number:
- 3
- Finding Aid Permalink:
- Contributing Institution:
- Iowa State University. Special Collections and University Archives
- Publisher:
- Iowa State University. Library
- Extent:
- 4 pages
- Genre:
- field notes
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- image/jpeg
- Digital Collection Title:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union collection
- Digital Collection Permalink:
- Related Resource:
- Avian Archives of Iowa Online (avIAn)
- Avian Identifier:
- 9441
- Identifier:
- iou18996
- Item Permalink:
- Preferred Citation:
- "Iowa Birdline update, August 12, 1990", Iowa Ornithologists' Union Collection, Iowa State University Library Digital Collections
- Reference Link:
- Rights:
- This item is protected by U.S. copyright and related rights. It is being made available by Iowa State University as its rights-holder for noncommercial use, including sharing and adapting the work. No permission is required for noncommercial use so long as attribution is provided. All other uses require permission from Special Collections and University Archives.