Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Thomas N. Johnson, summer 2005 Item Info
- Title:
- Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Thomas N. Johnson, summer 2005
- Creator (Person):
- Johnson, Thomas N.
- Date Created:
- 2005-06-01/2005-07-31
- Description:
- Summer report of birds and locations contributed by Thomas N. Johnson. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 2005.
- Subject (Topic):
- Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Infancy Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens) Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax violaceus) Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea)
- Contributor (Person):
- Cummins, Raymond L. Stevens, Mike Johnson, Bryan Tiemeier, Dan
- Location:
- Fort Dodge Rathbun Lake Centerville Colyn Wildlife Management Area Sedan Bottoms Russell Wildlife Area
- Latitude:
- 42.49747;40.86726;40.73418;40.9175;40.66669;41.35834
- Longitude:
- -94.16802; -93.0091; -92.87409; -93.21354; -92.7627; -92.63352
- Language:
- eng
- Source:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union records
- Call Number:
- MS 166
- Box:
- 39
- Folder Number:
- 12
- Finding Aid Permalink:
- Contributing Institution:
- Iowa State University. Special Collections and University Archives
- Publisher:
- Iowa State University. Library
- Extent:
- 1 page
- Genre:
- field notes
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- image/jpeg
- Digital Collection Title:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union collection
- Digital Collection Permalink:
- Related Resource:
- Avian Archives of Iowa Online (avIAn)
- Avian Identifier:
- 9173
- Identifier:
- iou17260
- Filename:
- ms0166b039f012i099.jpg
- Item Permalink:
- Preferred Citation:
- "Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Thomas N. Johnson, summer 2005", Iowa Ornithologists' Union Collection, Iowa State University Library Digital Collections
- Reference Link:
- Rights:
- This item is protected by copyright and related rights. However, the rights-holder is unidentified or unlocatable. If you have information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder, please notify the Iowa State University Library, Digital Scholarship and Initiatives.