Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, summer 2004 Item Info
- Title:
- Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, summer 2004
- Creator (Person):
- Proescholdt, Mark
- Date Created:
- 2004-06-01/2004-07-31
- Description:
- List of birds and locations contributed by Mark Proescholdt with observers Beth Proescholdt, L. Paul Hertzel and James Scheib. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of summer 2004.
- Subject (Topic):
- Bird watching Birds--Nests Birds--Infancy Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Chuck-will's-widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis) Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) Veery (Catharus fuscescens) Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea) Ducks, Geese, and Swans (Anseriformes) Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) Grebes (Podicipediformes) Gulls and Terns (Laridae) Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Osprey, and Vultures (Falconiformes) Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, Ibises, and Storks (Ciconiiformes) Vireos (Vireonidae) Warblers (Parulidae) Sparrows (Emberizidae)
- Contributor (Person):
- Hertzel, L. Paul Proescholdt, Beth Scheib, James
- Location:
- Burlington Grammer Grove County Wildlife Area Iowa City Lacey-Keosauqua State Park Liscomb Otter Creek Marsh State Wildlife Refuge Waubonsie State Park Eagle Lake Pine Lake State Park Lake Ahquabi State Park
- Latitude:
- 40.80754;42.16832;41.66113;40.71031;42.18999;41.93999;40.6775;43.12797;42.37082;41.28749
- Longitude:
- -91.11292; -93.03298; -91.53017; -91.98156; -93.00381; -92.44213; -95.69194; -93.73399; -93.07826; -93.59272
- Language:
- eng
- Source:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union records
- Call Number:
- MS 166
- Box:
- 39
- Folder Number:
- 11
- Finding Aid Permalink:
- Contributing Institution:
- Iowa State University. Special Collections and University Archives
- Publisher:
- Iowa State University. Library
- Extent:
- 8 pages
- Genre:
- field notes forms (documents)
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- image/jpeg
- Digital Collection Title:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union collection
- Digital Collection Permalink:
- Related Resource:
- Avian Archives of Iowa Online (avIAn)
- Avian Identifier:
- 9161
- Identifier:
- iou15412
- Item Permalink:
- Preferred Citation:
- "Field reports form for submitting seasonal observations of Iowa birds, Mark Proescholdt, summer 2004", Iowa Ornithologists' Union Collection, Iowa State University Library Digital Collections
- Reference Link:
- Rights:
- This item is protected by copyright and related rights. However, the rights-holder is unidentified or unlocatable. If you have information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder, please notify the Iowa State University Library, Digital Scholarship and Initiatives.