Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, December 2, 1996 Item Info
- Title:
- Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, December 2, 1996
- Creator (Person):
- Carter, Dennis L.
- Date Created:
- 1996-12-02
- Description:
- List of birds and locations contributed by Dennis L. Carter. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornithologists' Union Quarterly field report of fall 1996.
- Subject (Topic):
- Bird watching Birds--Counting Birds--Migration Birdsongs Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens) American Pipit (Anthus rubescens) Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus) Baird's Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii) Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia) Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) Sedge Wren (Cistothorus platensis) Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea) Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) Green Heron (Butorides virescens) Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) Black Tern (Chlidonias niger) Vireos (Vireonidae) Warblers (Parulidae)
- Location:
- Cardinal Marsh State Wildlife Area Decorah Sweet Marsh Hayden Prairie State Wildlife Area Effigy Mounds National Monument Fort Atkinson Burr Oak
- Latitude:
- 43.33136;43.30331;42.81989;43.43774;43.08092;43.14331;43.45886
- Longitude:
- -92.06517; -91.78571; -92.23243; -92.38156; -91.19687; -91.93266; -91.86543
- Language:
- eng
- Source:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union records
- Call Number:
- MS 166
- Box:
- 27
- Folder Number:
- 3
- Finding Aid Permalink:
- Contributing Institution:
- Iowa State University. Special Collections and University Archives
- Publisher:
- Iowa State University. Library
- Extent:
- 3 pages
- Genre:
- field notes
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- image/jpeg
- Digital Collection Title:
- Iowa Ornithologists’ Union collection
- Digital Collection Permalink:
- Related Resource:
- Avian Archives of Iowa Online (avIAn)
- Avian Identifier:
- 6157
- Identifier:
- iou11064
- Item Permalink:
- Preferred Citation:
- "Field notes contributed by Dennis L. Carter, December 2, 1996", Iowa Ornithologists' Union Collection, Iowa State University Library Digital Collections
- Reference Link:
- Rights:
- This item is protected by copyright and related rights. However, the rights-holder is unidentified or unlocatable. If you have information that can contribute to identifying or locating the rights-holder, please notify the Iowa State University Library, Digital Scholarship and Initiatives.